Tuesday 25 November 2014

Møller teams on the move - offices become kitchen

As you are hopefully not too aware, our building project in the main building is nearing completion and last week saw our housekeeping department, kitchen staff, and sales and events teams manoeuvre to accommodate the creation of a new, state of the art kitchen in the main building.

The kitchen team say goodbye to the main building kitchen for refurbishment.

Our team in the main kitchen are relocating to the Study Centre, moving into an expanded kitchen there, which was previously the sales and events teams’ office. The sales and events teams have moved into Study Centre 8 until the spring when they will move into the new building. The housekeeping department has also moved from the basement to their temporary home in the main building lecture theatre.

The sales and events teams celebrate moving offices.
The sales and events office transforms into an extension of the Study Centre kitchen.

The only noticeable difference for clients will be that breakfast will be served in the Tower Lounge Bar and lunch will be served in The Study Centre or Tower Lounge bar as appropriate.

Whilst the improvements are made, clients have been asked for early advice on their agenda timing information, timings for lunch (including any flexibility), requirements for trade stands, including registration desks, exhibitors/sponsor desks and break-out groups, as we work to ensure group comfort for all clients onsite.

Our Event Planners will be discussing these options with clients to find the best solution for each event. 

1 comment:

  1. We had planned/designed/made most of the fun event details by the time that we hired this party planner, and she did a GREAT job coordinating with us and with all of the vendors to bring everything together to create a magical and cohesive environment for our event.
